How to Reopen Closed Tabs on Firefox

Imagine you are working on an assignment or a project for which you need to do broad research and all of a sudden your browser window gets closed. 

This is a common issue. When multiple tabs are opened in one browser window, you may accidentally close one tab in an attempt to open it. Sometimes due to a Firefox tab crash, your entire browser window may also get closed. There could be many more reasons, for example, sudden power outage, unexpected Windows updates, automatic PC restart, etc. that close all your important tabs and research work all at once.

Many times, we have opened a dozen tabs all at once that we need at the same time. It is not efficient to bookmark all tabs and therefore we keep on restoring those tabs whether or not we need them. An accidental click on ‘X’ is unimaginable, as you can lose all your important research in a second.

In any case, you look for ways to reopen closed tabs in Firefox. For this, there are two methods. To restore closed tabs in Firefox, you can either follow a step of actions in each browser window of Firefox or auto-restore all the tabs in one or many browser windows with just one click. So we’ll go through both methods and see which one is more convenient and efficient.

How to Restore Recently Closed Tabs in Firefox?

There are two ways to undo the close tab in Firefox. 

  1. Right-click on the tab bar, and from the pop-menu, select “Undo Closed Tab”. This will open the tab you closed accidentally. Notice, this will only open the one tab you recently closed.
  2. An alternative is to restore the tab by entering the keystroke shortcut “Ctrl + Shift + T”. This will also open the last closed tab on Firefox.

When you repeatedly use this shortcut “Ctrl + Shift + T”, the browser will keep on opening the previously closed tabs in order.

If you accidentally closed the entire browser window and want to reopen all the closed tabs of that window at once, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the menu button on the right side of the browser toolbar.
  2. Click on the history.
  3. Select “Restore Previous Session”

With these steps, you can reopen the closed tabs in Firefox.

Other than these, there is one automated way of restoring the Firefox recently closed tabs. SmartWindows is one productivity software for Windows 10 and 11 that helps you maximize work productivity. It eliminates the headache of manually reopening closed tabs in Firefox.

Auto-Restore Closed Tabs in Firefox with SmartWindows

While working on multiple tasks at the same time, we use multiple browser windows to research distinct topics. It gets really tiresome when it comes to opening browser windows every time before getting started to work. Not only this, you are supposed to reopen Firefox all closed tabs for each browser window. 

SmartWindows is a smart solution for you here. Instead of manually reopening the closed tabs in each browser window of Firefox, you can automatically restore the tabs and entire window with just one click in Windows 10 and 11. Save your time and increase productivity at work with SmartWindows. The valuable time that you spend on the tedious tasks of restoring a browser in each browser window, profile, or display screen, can be done automatically.


Restore Browser Tabs with SmartWindows. It maintains an active tab history and restores browser size as well as display position on one screen or many.

Auto-Restore with SmartWindows:

  • SmartWindows allows you to restore tabs in Firefox on one or many screens in Windows.
  • It saves the URLs and active tab history in each window of the Firefox browser.
  • If you arrange the browser window with your desired size and display position on the screen, you can auto-arrange them with one click on one or many screens/displays/profiles.
  • Optimize the performance of your PC by opening Firefox windows on as many profiles you want and get auto-arrangement and auto-restoration capability in each.
  • It saves all tabs in Firefox and restores them in multiple browser windows.

So what are you waiting for?

Empower your browsers and make Windows 10 and Windows 11 smarter with SmartWindows!

How to Reopen Closed Tabs on Chrome

How to Reopen Closed Tabs on Chrome

If you work on multiple tabs and Google Chrome windows, you might have accidentally closed the browser window or tab on your browser.

This is a common issue faced by every browser user. When a dozen tabs are opened in one Chrome window, it becomes very difficult to find the one you are looking for and sometimes you mistakenly close the tab due to the mess on the window. To eliminate this headache, you often open more windows of the same browser, adjust their window size, and position them on the screen for easy access.

The problem doesn’t end here. There are still chances that your entire Chrome window gets closed with an accidental click on “X”. 

In any case, your research gets closed and it is a cumbersome process to reopen recently closed tabs on Chrome manually by searching them again. To avoid this, you can follow certain steps to restore the chrome tabs.

How to Restore Tabs on Chrome?

To restore tabs on Chrome, you can follow the following steps:

To Reopen Tab-Wise:

If you want to open a limited number of recently closed tabs, keep using the shortcut “Ctrl + Shift + T”. 

To Open the Entire Window or Tab Groups:

  1. Go to Google Chrome and right-click on the Chrome bar at the top-right corner.
  2. Navigate to “History” and the tabs count.
  3. Click on “Restore all tabs”. 

The process is easy but the problem comes when you are supposed to follow these three steps every time to open multiple Chrome windows and hundreds of tabs.

The solution is: SmartWindows

SmartWindows is a Windows productivity app for Windows 10 and 11 that allows users to reopen the closed windows of Chrome automatically. SmartWindows helps users save time and maximize productivity at work with its many features.


Restore Browser Tabs with SmartWindows. It maintains an active tab history and restores browser size as well as display position on one screen or many.

Restore Chrome Tabs & Windows Efficiently with SmartWindows 

The multi-browser and multi-tab feature of SmartWindows supports various browsers such as Google Chrome, Firefox, and Microsoft Edge. It allows users to reopen closed Chrome windows and tabs with just one click.

SmartWindows maintains an active tab history of multiple browser windows with respective URLs. You can reopen the Chrome tabs in one or multiple windows with a single click. This capability of SmartWindows eliminates the headache of reopening the closed tabs in each browser separately by following the same number of actions.  

Reopen Tabs & Windows in One or Many Screens

SmartWindows allows you to create unlimited profiles and up to 6 displays. On each display, you can open as many browsers as you want. In each profile and display, it is very time-consuming to restore the tabs on multiple browser windows. SmartWindows restores the Chrome recently closed tabs with just one click. So if you are working on multiple browser windows all at once for multiple purposes, you can save the display settings in SmartWindows, and restore them anytime. It eliminates the need to manually open tabs in each browser in each profile or display.

Auto-Arrange Window Size and Position 

When you are working on multiple browser windows by arranging the desktop screen with the desired window size and position on the screen, it becomes tedious to arrange the windows again on every startup. SmartWindows gives your Windows 10 and Windows 11 support to auto-arrange the browser windows with exactly the same window size and position on the screen as you saved the last time. Moreover, if you are working on multiple browser windows all at once, and save the display configuration of your browser, SmartWindows has the capability of restoring browser windows again with the same window size and position on the screen. It opens closed tabs of Chrome automatically with one click. This saves much of your valuable time and you are ready to work with one click.

Advantages of Multi-Browser & Multi-Tab Support

If you do research work, then browsers are an important part of your life. So, it is important to keep an active history of all your tabs and browser windows. SmartWindows makes your Windows 10 and 11 smarter by allowing it to reopen chrome windows and tabs with a single click. Save time and browse smart!

Some advantages of SmartWindows’ multi-browser and multi-tab feature include:

  • Efficient management of projects and tasks on multiple browser windows.
  • Auto-arrangement of browser windows with a single click.
  • Auto-restoration of hundreds of tabs in one or many browsers in the blink of an eye.
  • Optimized system performance when dozens of tabs and browser windows are opened in separate profiles and displays.
  • Remember URLs associated with each browser window.
  • Increase your productivity at work by saving your precious minutes with auto-restoration of tabs and browsers.

Empower your Windows with SmartWindows!

Work Smartly – Simplify your Multi-Monitor Life

Simplify your Multi-Monitor Life

Whether you are a graphic designer, programmer, data analyst, or content creator, maintaining a healthy work environment is important for everyone. The need for workstation management has become a priority especially during the pandemic where most of us are working from home. No matter if you are tech-savvy or not, you must decide on the products and ideas that fit your needs and create the productive space for you to work. Where on one hand, we look for productivity software and tools, on the other hand, some focus on a multi-monitor setup to multi-task. 

However, it totally depends on the intensity and nature of your work. Let’s have a look at all the other roles and how a dual-monitor desk or multi-monitor setup could help boost up productivity at work.

Project Manager: If you are a project manager, you need to deal with a number of projects at a time, track the tasks, meet deadlines, update statuses, and ensure timely releases of the products. For this, you are in immense need of managing each project efficiently to deter any confusion. You can use productivity software that helps you manage multiple profiles on Windows 10 and 11 or maybe 6 monitors to get a 360-degree view of all projects at a glance. 

Graphic Designer: A graphic designer deals with making dozens of graphics a day that might belong to different projects. It becomes hard to keep track of icons, reference images, and sources on one monitor. Also, if you work on photoshop and illustrator, it becomes even harder to open each app, switch between each other, and clutter everything on one monitor.

Data Analyst: Being a data analyst, you are supposed to monitor the statistics and performance of certain products all the time. For this, you need to have dedicated monitors that show you real-time data of each product and performance parameter without clicking and navigating every time. 

Content Creator: A content creator is supposed to do extensive research and manage multiple documents of each project separately. For this, there should be a dedicated monitor for each project where the browsing and writing could be done in parallel. 

How does Multi-Monitor Setup Increase Productivity?

According to 2020 Forresters’ report “Optimize Your Hybrid Workforce With Flexible Work-From-Home Policies And Monitors”, external monitors play a vital role in improving productivity. About 50% of employees reported that they are able to view more information simultaneously on multiple monitors. About 46% said that with a multi-monitor setup, you can use multiple programs at once without switching between windows. 35% said that you can do tasks more quickly and 30% said that you can do more accurate work on a multi-monitor computer desk. 

Based on these statistics, it is evident that a multiple monitor setup can help you work smart and not hard. Some other benefits include:

  • Each display delivers you enough information and eliminates the overhead of switching between so many apps continually.
  • It helps in the efficient management of data, apps, folders, browsers, files, and projects. 
  • It increases productivity at work and streamlines the workflow.
  • It helps display more content at a glance and makes swapping between applications quick.
  • It allows easy navigation between multiple windows.
  • It allows you to multi-task and make comparisons effectively. 
  • It helps in the easy organization of desktop screens and makes access to each app easier.

A multi-monitor desk when combined with productivity software gives a next-level boost to work productivity and efficiency. So let’s see the role of SmartWindows in giving you more hands at work with a multi-monitor setup.

‘Up to 6 Displays’ – How SmartWindows Combines with a Multi-Monitor Setup?

SmartWindows is productivity software that offers a wide range of options for easy management and auto-arrangement of apps in Windows. The following are some features of SmartWindows that you can use in each of the multi-monitor displays to improve work efficiency. 

  • SmartWindows allows you to create unlimited profiles with up to 6 displays.
  • It gives multi-browser and multi-tab support to help you auto-restore the closed tabs in each browser with just one click.
  • It allows you to auto-arrange the apps on each display screen with the same window size and exactly the same display position on the screen.
  • It fully supports MS Office files such as Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Notepad, etc. 
  • It auto-restores the screen configuration in each monitor with just one click.

With SmartWindows, you can separate your work life from entertainment and dedicate each monitor to a specific task. You can customize multiple displays in Windows 10 and Windows 11 with your favorite apps and a visually clean interface to help you work seamlessly. SmartWindows saves the settings of screen displays and restores every display with just one click. With just a one-time setup in SmartWindows, you are all set to work on saved screen configurations for longer.

The ultimate purpose of SmartWindows is to increase your productivity at work. It is one of the multi-monitor tools that auto-arranges the apps on each display with just one click. You do not need to arrange apps on each monitor manually when you start your work. SmartWindows saves you time with its smart productivity features. It also provides “Multi-Browser Multi-Tab Support” that allows you to restore multiple browsers with their respective URLs. It maintains the tab history and restores all the tabs of multiple browser windows with just one click.

Stay organized with SmartWindows and save your time arranging all the apps and their windows on each monitor every time you start up your PC.

Working on Multiple MS Office Files is Fun Now

Working on Multiple MS Office Files is Fun Now

Whether it is a student or a teacher, a researcher or a project manager, a writer or an accounts officer, Microsoft Office files are used by everyone around the world. Millions of businesses rely on the MS Office suite to create documents and keep records. They use multiple applications of MS office files such as Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Wordpad, Notepad, etc. on a daily basis. 

This article addresses some common document management problems faced by MS Office users and discusses efficient use.

Problems Faced by MS Office Users

  1. Maintenance of multiple sets of MS Office documents in separate repositories.
  2. Access to multiple MS Office files when you are working on many in parallel.
  3. To keep track of multiple words and excel documents of different projects in the same place.
  4. Excessive switching between multiple MS Office applications is very cumbersome.
  5. Open the MS Office files every day, arrange their window size and position on the screen every day is very time-consuming.
  6. When you are working on a bunch of different versions of the same file, it becomes hard to find the right file from the messy folders.
  7. Management of documents of different projects, work, home, or school-related tasks in one place is not easy.
  8. A sudden power outage or Windows updates might disturb the arrangement of your screen you set previously.

All the stated problems affect your productivity at work. The tasks that used to take so much time on a regular basis need to be done in an efficient way. For this, you can employ some Microsoft Office tips and tricks or use high-end tools that help you with your daily MS Office tasks. SmartWindows is one productivity software that supports MS Office files and ensures enhanced productivity for users.

Make Efficient Use of MS Office Files with SmartWindows

SmartWindows is feature-packed productivity software that gives enhanced features to your Windows 10 and Windows 11 and allows you to work smart and not hard. It makes the use of MS Office for students and businesses very efficient. From MS Word to MS Powerpoint, and MS Project to MS Excel, SmartWindows gives you the following capabilities:

  1. Auto-arrange & Auto-restore MS Office Files

If you are using MS Word or any other MS Office application on a regular basis, it takes a significant amount of time to open and arrange the files every day. To overcome this headache, SmartWindows allows you to auto-arrange and auto-restore all your MS Office files in one click!

Open and arrange the apps and files on your Desktop screen. Adjust their window size and position on the screen according to your liking. Save the screen configuration in SmartWindows by creating a profile. You can restore the screen with the same MS Office files at exactly the same position on the screen with the same window size. With this, you do not need to arrange the screen every time you start the work and SmartWindows does this for you.

This capability of SmartWindows allows you to work on multiple MS Office files in parallel. It also reduces the excessive number of clicks in switching between the applications every now and then. 

  1. Open the MS Office Files

When you are dealing with multiple MS Office files such as Word, Excel, Powerpoint, or Project all at once, you would have to open each the next day before work. SmartWindows eliminates this hassle and opens MS Word, MS Excel, and other files with just one click. You can open the recent files from there. Reduce the number of clicks and get more work done with SmartWindows in less time.

  1. File Management on Multiple Displays and Profiles 

If you are working on multiple projects at the same time, or there are many other users of your PC who used to do homework or research on the same computer, it gets hard to manage data. SmartWindows allows you to create unlimited profiles and displays where you can separate different nature of tasks and projects. 

A dedicated profile for each project or user will help you with efficient management of all the MS Office files. You can create separate folders for work in each profile, use browsers with devoted email accounts, and can access any file from a computer in the blink of an eye. Not only this, SmartWindows gives apps’ restoration support to all the profiles and displays. With just one click, you can restore all customized presets on your desktop screen.

  1. Increased Productivity at Work

SmartWindows serves the ultimate purpose of increasing the productivity of the users of Windows. Its support for MS Office files gives you more hands at work. It allows you to do the regular tasks automatically instead of investing your precious time in finding and arranging the word and excel files every time you start the work. SmartWindows saves your time by making your Windows smarter!

Keeping up with Technology is Crucial for IT Project Managers


Technology has made life easier for everyone, but how has it transformed the daily tasks of an IT Project Manager?

To put it simply, advancements in hardware, software, and all other areas have changed the way project managers used to work. The technical project managers are now able to achieve more in less time. From seamless task management to collaboration, and performance analysis to accurate reporting, technology has made the life of every PM much easier now.

In this article, we will look at the revitalizing role of technology in project management.


The trend of remote work has come into force in the past few years. Also, the pandemic has accelerated the situation and project managers are supposed to work located in different parts of the world. In this, technology has played a vital role in bridging the communication gap. Enhanced accessibility and insistent communication have become possible without any distortion. The team members are also working from home and project managers can communicate with each member at any hour of the day or night.

The cloud collaboration tools allow project managers to communicate in real-time, schedule meetings, send documents, and organize interactions seamlessly. During work-from-home, project managers have been using communication tools such as Zoom, Skype, Slack, Google Meet, Microsoft Team, etc. to discuss the tasks for the day in stand-ups and schedule the tasks for the whole day. 

Increased Productivity at Work

Project managers are working on multiple projects at the same time. Each project could be of different nature with its own challenges and complexities. It becomes hard to manage, monitor, and report the tasks of each project efficiently. To optimize the way of work, the project managers often organize the PC in such a way that they can navigate to the folders and files easily.


Restore Browser Tabs with SmartWindows. It maintains an active tab history and restores browser size as well as display position on one screen or many.

Some challenges faced by project managers include:

  • It becomes very hard to keep track of all the tasks of each project separately.
  • The organization of multiple projects on one PC is very inefficient.
  • The use of multiple different desktop apps for different projects becomes incompetent.
  • Managing data of all the projects on one PC makes it difficult to track and find when you immediately need it.
  • The use of browsers is very messy. The browsers get overflowed with hundreds of tabs of different projects with multiple online accounts that make it hard to sync with the right web pages.
  • It is complex to manage the bookmarks, folders, and emails of different projects on one browser.
  • The system performance is affected as a result of dozens of apps and browser tabs opened on a PC at the same time.
  • It takes an equal amount of time every day to organize the desktop screen with the most used apps, adjust their window size and display position on the screen.

All the mentioned challenges affect the productivity of project managers at work. To address these, SmartWindows is one feature-rich productivity software that assists project managers in managing multiple projects efficiently at the same time. SmartWindows allows you to:

Restore the apps: Organize the screen with the most-used apps, adjust their window size and position on the screen according to your liking. Save the configuration in your SmartWindows profile and restore it any time you need. SmartWindows remembers the window size and position on the screen as you saved the last time.

MS Office File Support: SmartWindows gives full support of Microsoft Office files such as Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Project, Notepad, etc. So, if you are using any or all of these Office files, SmartWindows remembers the last file you were working on and opens it on restoration. 

Multiple Displays: Create up to 6 displays and make presets on each screen to work in an organized way. SmartWindows allows you to work on a unified interface and gives access to up to 6 monitors with restoration and auto-arrangement capabilities in each display.

Unlimited Profiles: Create unlimited profiles and dedicate each to a specific project. Separate profiles would make data management and tracking easy for each project. Each profile will remember the files you were working on and the positioning of your workspace across multiple displays.

Multi-Browser & Multi-Tab Support: SmartWindows support multiple browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, and Edge. It maintains an active tab history of each browser on each display and profile. You can restore the browsers with respective URLs with just one click.

Benefits of using SmartWindows:

  • SmartWindows allows you to work smart and not hard.
  • It empowers your Windows 10 and Windows 11 with its enhanced features.
  • It auto-arranges all the desktop apps at the same position on the screen with the same window size.
  • It eliminates the headache of arranging apps every time you open your computer. With just one click, you are ready to work.
  • SmartWindows increases your productivity at work, saves your time and effort.
  • Efficient use of a PC makes project management operations easy to operate.
  • Reduces the number of excessive clicks to switch between desktop apps. A unified interface gives a 360-degree view of all the apps on the desktop screen. 
  • Optimizes the performance of PCs with efficient use of browsers.

Regular Updates and Reporting

One of the responsibilities of project managers includes gathering updates from each team member, evaluating their performance and ensuring regular reporting. Sometimes, project managers are managing a number of projects at the same time and therefore it becomes crucial for them to track the tasks and progress of each project and avoid any delay in the project delivery. Technology has streamlined the cumbersome processes for project managers by giving advanced task and time tracking features in project management software. With this,

  • Project managers can track the time of each task
  • Determine the status of each task
  • Assign tasks to team members accordingly
  • Evaluate the performance of each team member
  • Collaborate and attach files easily

Project management software such as Asana, Trello, Jira, Zoho projects, etc. are on top and provide enhanced capabilities to ease the life of project managers. 

Easy Access to Data

Cloud-based tools have made it easy for project managers to access their different project-related files from any device and anywhere across the globe. The files are not limited to just office computers. Technology has made it easy to access the files even outside the office. One important thing is that there is no security risk in accessing data from anywhere for the remote project managers. Strong authentication measures and security practices ensure controlled access to data that eliminates the fear of any breach.

Zoho Projects, Asana, LiquidPlanner, Mavenlink, Microsoft Project Online, etc. are some project management tools that secure all the data on the cloud and make access easy.

Data Analytics 

Technology has empowered project managers. The operations that an IT project manager used to do manually can be done automatically in real-time. Advanced data analytics tools allow project managers to look at the performance of each project at a glance. It is one of the project manager’s skills to determine the trends, strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities of the project. Data analytics tools make it easy through detailed visualization and identify the patterns that demonstrate the project accomplishments. Meaningful insights from these tools play a central role in the success of a project.

IBM Cognos Analytics, Microsoft Power BI, and Zoho Analytics are some top data analytics software used by organizations.

SmartWindows takes Browser Tabs to the Next Level

Browser tabs

On average, how many tabs do you open on your browser while working?
If more than a dozen, you probably face some major issues when it comes to managing or reopening the tabs every time you start the work. Most of the time, browsers are overflowing with a large number of tabs when we are doing some extensive research work with multiple web apps. The browser tabs get out of control and ultimately affect the performance of our computer.Save your time and effort of tabs restoration with SmartWindows on Windows 10 and Windows 11

Problems we Face with Browsers

There are some common problems we face with browsers on a regular basis. 

  1. While working on multiple tasks at the same time, a browser gets flooded with tabs related to your homework, research work, or multiple office projects. It becomes hard to figure out which tab belongs to what category and you keep on clicking across each tab to get the one you need.
  2. An accidental click on ‘X’ shuts down all the important tabs and you need to follow a number of steps in the browser’s settings to reopen the closed tabs.
  3. Masses of tabs opened in a single browser slow down the performance of your PC.
  4. When you are using multiple browsers it gets hard to switch between each other and even harder when multiple browsers shut down accidentally due to sudden power outages or automatic Windows updates.
  5. Browsers get cluttered with so many bookmarks, folders, email accounts, and other web apps of different tasks that it gets difficult to look up the one you need.
  6. When you have arranged the multiple browser windows by investing much time with dedicated tabs, optimized window size, and the display position on the screen, and repeat all every time you start your computer.

The browsers allow tabs to work independently, and this feature can be leveraged to empower the user to work with multiple browsers. The first browser with tabs works independently from the other that does not exchange any data or logins and thus, allows you to work in an efficient and secure manner.

How SmartWindows is a One-Stop Solution?

Technology has the solution to every problem. SmartWindows is one feature-rich productivity software that assists you with its automated capabilities for your browsers. Before diving deep into its features, see how SmartWindows works:

  1. Open the number of browsers on one or as many displays or profiles as you want.
  2. Open as many tabs on one or multiple browsers as you need.
  3. Arrange the browser windows on the display screen by resizing their window size or adjusting their display position.
  4. Create a profile on SmartWindows to save the configuration of the screen
  5. Click ‘restore’ and choose the profile you want to restore whenever you need it. SmartWindows will auto-restore all the tabs of multiple browsers with exactly the same window size and at the same display position, as you saved last time.

Multi-Browser Support

SmartWindows is all in one browser restoration software that gives support for all your favorite browsers. Whether it is Google Chrome, Firefox, or Microsoft Edge, it allows you to open multiple windows of one or many browsers on your computer screen. It provides you auto-restoration support and reopens the closed tabs of multiple browsers with just one click.

A cluttered monitor with so many tabs opened in one browser makes it hard to jump from tab to tab to find the right tab. Moreover, it uses up more memory and slows down the computer’s performance. One possible solution is to use multiple browsers and group the related tabs in new windows accordingly.

So, if you are working on multiple browsers, each dedicated to your homework, entertainment, or office work, you can restore all the browser tabs by clicking the ‘restore’ button on your SmartWindows profile. Eliminate the overhead of re-opening the tabs in each browser separately and get started on your work without any delay.

Multi-Tab Support

SmartWindows saves your profile configurations. It saves the browsers with their respective URLs and auto-restores the hundreds of tabs with a single click. Open tabs related to one task in a sequence to prevent the hassle. You do not need to manually open the tabs in your browser. SmartWindows maintains the active browser history and reopens the closed tabs with the same tab arrangements on your browsers.

Save your time and effort of tabs restoration with SmartWindows on Windows!

Auto-Arrange & Auto-Restoration

Once you have arranged the window size and display position of your browsers, you do not need to do it again and again. SmartWindows saves the configuration of your display screen and gives you auto-restoration capability that auto-arranges the browser windows the same way you arranged last time. 

SmartWindows increases your productivity at work with its auto-arrangement and auto-restoration features. The valuable time that you used to spend in the arrangement and reopening of browser tabs can be used to do high-priority and important tasks.

Multiple Profiles & Displays

SmartWindows allows you to create unlimited profiles and up to 6 displays. Its extensive support for multiple profiles and displays allows you to separate the work-life from personal and entertainment life. You can organize the desktop apps efficiently in each profile or display them according to your liking. Create customized presets and layouts of multiple browsers, save and restore them without wasting a single minute.

Optimized System Performance

Instead of creating a mess of tabs in one browser that affects the performance of your system, SmartWindows allows you to use multiple browsers on various profiles. We know that browsers consume so much of the processing power and memory of a PC. To overcome the lag, use multiple browsers on different profiles. Restore the browser tabs with their respective URLs on each profile with SmartWindows and get enhanced system performance.

Learn How SmartWindows helps Social Media Managers with Multi-Browser Support

A social media manager is supposed to manage various social media accounts and projects at once. From Buffer Publish to Zoho and Loomly to Tailwind, a social media manager is working on multiple apps. For this, it is important to ensure efficient management of all the accounts and profiles to avoid the hassle. By running more than one browser and tabs, you can stay logged in to the sites with multiple profiles. Social media managers use various apps to help manage social media. These apps play a vital role in streamlining the workflow and increase productivity at work. SmartWindows is one feature-rich productivity app that makes social media management easy for you.

A social media manager can now easily create unlimited profiles and accounts to manage the social network. You can check how your website is working in different browsers and download various different extensions in multiple browsers according to the nature of work. Moreover, if you are working on just one project, you can run multiple instances of a program and use multiple accounts simultaneously. 

Below are some ways how SmartWindows assists social media managers.

Run Multiple Browsers

Use any or multiple browsers of your choice at the same time. Whether it be Firefox, Chrome, or Internet Explorer, each browser runs independently from the other. You can create multiple accounts in each browser and customize them according to your liking. From history to extension, and bookmarks to the toolbar layout, tailor each browser based on the nature of tasks you have on your plate. It becomes easy to use a dedicated browser and avoid cumbersome yet time-consuming activities. 

Separate web browsers are always a good choice as they do not interact with each other. When multiple browsers are open, you can easily switch to the other. To avoid excessive clicks one way of doing this is by resizing the size of the window of each browser and adjusting its position on the screen. It will eliminate extreme switching between multiple browser windows every now and then. A visually clean and organized interface will make it easy to switch between multiple browsers. SmartWindows remembers the window size and display position of each app on the screen. Arrange the windows of browsers on the screen according to your liking and save the screen configuration in SmartWindows Profile. The next time you open your PC, click restore and SmartWindows will auto-arrange each browser window at exactly the same position on the screen along with the tabs and URLs.

Restore Browsers and Tabs

Sometimes, the browser window gets closed accidentally. Also, they get closed simply when you turn off your PC. At every startup, you need to manually open each browser and its tabs. SmartWindows eliminates this overhead with its multi-browsers and multi-tab support. It allows you to open as many browsers on your computer as you want. Open hundreds of tabs in each browser and save your SmartWindows profile. On your next startup, click ‘restore’ and SmartWindows will reopen all the closed tabs of multiple browsers with just a single click.

Multiple Profiles and Sessions

Create unlimited profiles on your PC using SmartWindows. You can use multiple browsers on each profile to avoid any effect on the performance of your computer. So many browser windows opened at once could introduce lag in switching between the tabs. You can also dedicate each user profile to a specific project that will help you both with social media data and profile management. In each profile, you can also create multiple sessions of each browser and work on different Gmail accounts. For posting and back-links, you might use tens of Gmail accounts and so it becomes quite overwhelming to change accounts every time you go to a new tab. SmartWindows eliminates this headache by allowing you to create unlimited profiles and dedicate each to specific tasks.

Multiple Displays

SmartWindows allows you to create up to 6 displays. You can view each window or separate browsers on each display to prevent mess. A dedicated display will make it easy to navigate between the tabs of the same task. SmartWindows gives your Windows 10 and Windows 11capability to restore the browsers and tabs of each display with just one click. It is one of the most useful apps to‌ help‌ manage social media accounts and profiles.

Get the app at the best price now.

How to View Multiple Apps Side by Side On Same Display

View Multiple Apps Side by Side

It could be very overwhelming to deal with multiple apps and files at the same time. You shift from one desktop app to the other, make excessive clicks to switch from Outlook email to Photoshop, Chrome to Acrobat Reader, Skype to MS Office files, or Notepad to YouTube, etc.  The continuous switching between apps becomes very annoying. The best way to handle all the apps and tasks simultaneously is to open desktop apps’ windows side by side.

A 360-degree view of all the most-used apps gives you easy access to each app and saves both your time and effort. Resize the apps’ windows and arrange them on Windows side by side. This one-time arrangement of all the apps on the computer screen will eliminate the need of switching between the apps every now and then. SmartWindows gives the capability to your Windows 10 and Windows 11 to save the screen configuration and restore it every time on your next startup. You can auto-arrange the previously saved screen configuration with just one click using SmartWindows. 

Arrange Apps Side by Side to Multitask

If you are using more than one desktop app to perform certain tasks, the effective way is to arrange the apps’ windows side by side. Organize the screen, adjust the window size and position on the screen according to your liking, and get a visually clean interface. The fish eye view will make it easy for you to switch between the applications. Arranged apps will help you multitask and increase productivity at work.


Restore Browser Tabs with SmartWindows. It maintains an active tab history and restores browser size as well as display position on one screen or many.

Below are some ways to view multiple apps side by side on the same display and work efficiently.

Multiple Displays/Monitors

Create multiple monitors or displays to separate your work life from entertainment. On the entertainment display, you can use gaming apps and websites, youtube, music, and Netflix, etc. Whereas the work display can be organized to use IDEs, MS Office files, and designing apps simultaneously. 

Arrange the apps on the display. Adjust the window size of each app and position it correctly on the screen. Once everything is set, you can easily switch between the apps. You can then save these as profiles in SmartWindows. SmartWindows supports up to 6 displays that you can use for multipurpose. SmartWindows does not only allow you to multitask but also adds to your productivity by automatically arranging the apps’ windows with the same size and display position as you saved the very last time. 

How does SmartWindows work?

SmartWindows works like this:

  • Create a profile on SmartWindows.
  • Set up the desktop screen with your favorite apps.
  • Resize apps’ windows and adjust their display position.
  • Save the configuration of the screen.

The next time you open your PC, go to your profile and click ‘restore’ and SmartWindows will auto-arrange with the exact screen configuration you made last time. In this way, you can make presets of the display and save configurations in profile respectively. On saving, the profile will save the configuration of each display. With just one click, you are ready to continue work on multiple displays. This saves your time to rearrange apps again and increases productivity.

Drag, Resize, and Position

If you want to use two or more apps at the same time, drag the app window from the top and adjust it on the screen. Similarly, choose the other apps, re-size, and position them on the screen. A unified interface will help you view everything at a glance. Make multitasking easy with SmartWindows with its auto-arrangement and auto-restoration features.

Multiple Profiles

If you feel tangled between so many apps on Windows 10 & 11 and have jumbled up the work and entertainment-related stuff, creating multiple profiles can really help. With SmartWindows you can create unlimited profiles on Windows 10 and Windows 11 that are dedicated to specific tasks.

Each profile could be configured with one or many displays that show apps’ windows side by side in Windows 10 and Windows 11. Create customized setups on one or many displays or profiles and save them. Click ‘restore’ and SmartWindows will pull them up at exactly the same display position and window size on the screen.

Save time by making Windows smarter!

Fire Up your Entertainment Profile with SmartWindows

Entertainment Profile

Work-from-home has turned everyone to their personal computers to remain productive. If you feel tangled between documents, watching Netflix, browsing, or gaming tabs next to emails, you will be glad to know that SmartWindows can help you separate your work life from your personal life on Windows 10 and 11.

Manage your entertainment life on Windows 10 and Windows 11 by creating separate Windows profiles or displays that give you a customized environment. Empower your productivity and enjoy your personal life to the full with a modern experience. 
The following are some ways to fire up your entertainment profile with SmartWindows.

Create Multiple Profiles

The best way to utilize your personal computer for both work and entertainment is that you create multiple user profiles. Each profile would serve the ultimate purpose of work, games, learning, etc. separately. You can add or remove the user profile on Windows 10 & 11 as well. Moreover, if you have more than one PC user at home, creating multiple profiles can help each user. SmartWindows allows you to create unlimited profiles on Windows 10 and Windows 11. It offers you the flexibility of working on multiple profiles and displays. For instance, a work profile will help you:

  • Use multiple browsers (Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge)
  • Work on Microsoft Office Files (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Project, etc.)
  • Code on IDEs (PyCharm, Visual Studio, NetBeans, Eclipse, Android Studio, etc.)
  • Create designs on your favorite software (Photoshop, Illustrator, etc.)

A dedicated work profile helps you manage desktop applications related to work in an efficient manner. It allows easy access to apps through the visually clean interface. Similarly, an entertainment profile can be devoted to:

  • Netflix
  • Games
  • Music
  • Youtube/Streaming
  • Online Shopping
  • Social Media

And more…

Separate profiles help you manage your personal and work life effectively without jumbling up things and actions. Moreover, SmartWindows gives you the ability to make presets and group the most-used desktop apps on the display screen. Once you have set the layout according to your liking, save the screen configuration in SmartWindows. It also remembers the window size and the display position of all apps on the desktop screen. With just one click, the apps will pull up every time you startup your computer or decide to switch between work and entertainment.

Switch to the work profile when you are on job and similarly to the entertainment profile in your spare time. Make layouts of apps on separate desktops for each part of your life and customize them according to your taste. Imagine having separate desktops for school, gaming, and work.

Use Different Browsers

Now use multiple browsers without compromising the system performance. SmartWindows allows you to use different browsers such as Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, etc. for defined purposes. Instead of accumulating browsers with hundreds of tabs both for entertainment and work that also slow down the system performance, create two profiles and open browsers and tabs in each separately. SmartWindows also gives you multi-tab and multi-browser support to open browsers in each profile or display for work and entertainment.  

You can also use separate user accounts on browsers. Set one default browser and you can switch to another anytime based on the task you are doing. SmartWindows also gives you the capability to auto-restore the browsers and tabs with one click. You do not need to manually reopen the tabs in each browser separately. Separate the browsers on different profiles to manage activities related to entertainment and work. Moreover, when tabs will be divided into multiple browsers on different profiles, your PC will ensure optimized performance and processing of apps.

Multiple Displays

SmartWindows supports up to 6 displays on each profile. SmartWindows has the ability to restore the app positioning and window size on each screen. You can create customized setups for work and entertainment purposes. You can easily switch between the custom displays and eliminate the headache of finding apps and tabs in the mess. A 360-degree view of all apps will help you to multitask and switch between the apps seamlessly. Now use Windows profiles efficiently to organize your entertainment and work activities.

Make your Windows smarter with SmartWindows and boost up your entertainment and work profiles. Enjoy the custom-built user experience by enjoying the enhanced features of SmartWindows on your Windows

5 Amazing Tips to Work Smartly

5 amazing tips to work smartly

Working smartly means getting the desired outcomes in less time. Instead of putting in extra hours and effort, you can do most of the work just by focusing on the way of doing it. Organizing tasks in the most optimal ways, managing time efficiently, prioritization, and automation are some of the skills and tricks that are employed by professionals to get the important tasks done in time.

According to The Economist, France is on top of the list of countries with full productivity at work. It works only forty hours a week with lots of vacations. On the other hand, the United States puts more hours into work with fewer holidays as compared to other industrialized countries but still is not counted as the most productive country. What it means is, productivity does not come with the amount of time you spend at work rather by working smart.   

Why is it Important to Work Smart?

Whether you’re a freelancer, small business owner, self-employed, or an employee, you constantly lookout for ways that help you do more in less time. There are several reasons why it is important to work smart. 

  • Working smart saves time and energy. It allows you to accomplish your goals and all the challenging tasks on time.
  • It increases your motivation to work, especially when you meet the expectations seamlessly. 
  • It adds value to your work since you are able to get the important and critical work done in time.
  • It helps you save time and get more done in less time. Extra time can be used to do other important tasks
  • It increases your productivity at work when you are able to meet your objectives in time
  • It saves costs and labor. A smart approach eliminates the need for work-intensive tasks
  •  Working smart increases your self-esteem and confidence. It allows you to do quality work in much less time.


Restore Browser Tabs with SmartWindows. It maintains an active tab history and restores browser size as well as display position on one screen or many.

A smart approach towards working requires changes in procedures, speed, attention, and management. Here we list some amazing tips that help you to work smart and not hard. 

1. Make a to-do list

Identify the routine tasks that you must do each day. Figure out how much time those tasks consume. Set aside 5-10 minutes each morning to update this list. Allocate time and set alarms for each of them. Try to beat the time for routine tasks. It is one of the most important tips to work from home. As there are many distractions when you are working remotely. It is important to curb all those challenges and set a timer to perform each task before time.

2. Stop Multitasking

It is important that you focus on one task at a time. It is a misconception that multitasking increases your productivity at work. One of the time management tips for work is that you do not distribute your attention to a number of tasks. The more focused you are on one task, the quicker you will be able to do it. The reason is that in multitasking your brain is switching between the tasks all the time. It does not only delay the work but also affects the quality. 

3. Automate your Tasks

Technology is there to help us in many of our routine tasks and it is important to leverage its power. The tasks that used to take hours when done manually can be done in seconds through automation. One remote work tip is that you find the best productivity tools and applications that give you more hands at work. SmartWindows is one such productivity application that allows you to create profiles of your desktop applications and browser URLs. When a profile is created, SmartWindows saves all the open applications and their display positions. When a profile is restored, all the associated applications such as Microsoft Office, Chrome, Firefox, and Edge are restored to their display positions. It restores browser tabs and their URLs as well. This makes it really easy for professionals to switch between projects or reopen applications after the computer boots up.

4. Communicate

Communication is an important part of your work. The more you communicate with your team and other departments, the better you can perform your tasks. There will always be a time when you need to work with others. For this, it is important to use this productivity tip and improve your communication skills. It will help you eliminate misunderstandings, unnecessary tasks and save as much time as possible.

5. Stay Focused

Make a habit to stay focused. Empower your concentration and attention towards the tasks you are doing. For this, it is important that you identify the activities and things that amuse you. First, freshen up your mind with them and then start your work. Take regular breaks between the tasks to increase your speed and productivity at work. Some tasks have high priority and do not necessarily demand excessive work. Prioritize such critical tasks over others to get them done sooner and free up your mind.Working smart is a skill in itself. It sets you apart from the crowd. Use these amazing tips to work smartly and get the same results in much less time.